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Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA)

Mass appraisal made easy

Delivering unparalleled accuracy through innovative solutions

The Future of

Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA)

Built to support jurisdictions across North America, our CAMA software helps assessors determine property values with ease. Our fully integrated technology combined with responsive support removes the guesswork from property appraisal.

Customizable Workflows

Meet workflow requirements with customized tracking, reporting, and notifications.

SaaS Solutions

Leverage the benefits of scalability, accessibility, enhanced security, and the cost-effectiveness of the cloud.

Intuitive User Interface

Launch a simplified summary screen to review your most critical data and access integrated solutions.

Multi-Year Database

Maintain real estate and personal property data in a single database.

Features built for a

Modern Government

Time-Saving Data Collection

Empower your staff to focus on data quality and analysis, instead of tedious tasks.

Intuitive User Interface

Launch a simplified summary screen to review your most critical data and access integrated solutions.

Analytical Tools

Use our cutting-edge solution to save data sets and conduct analyses using an advanced suite of analytical tools.

Integrated Sketching & Geospatial Tools

Graphically extend your CAMA software functionality with visual tools that support data accuracy.

Third-Party Applications

With our solution, you can choose to integrate third-party software solutions and easily update over time.



Case Study

Martin County, FL

Learn how the Martin County, Florida, Property Appraiser’s Office, by integrating the Catalis CAMA solution, opened the door to consolidate business processes and perform valuation, mass appraisal, assessment administration, and tax roll processing, all within one application.

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Great Possibilities

Are Waiting For You

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Learn more about the Catalis solutions that are modernizing governments across North America.